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Couples Therapy

Being loved by someone deeply gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage. ~Lao Tzu 

When I was a little girl I enjoyed reading the article “Can This Marriage Be Saved?” in Redbook Magazine. Who knew that years later I would be sitting with couples asking myself this same question?

I see relationships as a source of companionship, love and respect, and personal growth for each person. We each play a part in making a relationship thrive and it takes hard work to hold one’s self accountable to being a trusted and reliable member of the couple.

Couple’s therapy is not a walk in the park. But I believe that the benefits are worth the time and effort.

I have a very direct approach with couples.  You will not just come to our sessions and recreate the problems and issues that you are dealing with on your own time.  I will help you have a different experience in your communication and you will practice a different way of responding to your partner.  I am very active in sessions and I come prepared with issues that I feel are important- derived from your intake questionnaire and my individual meetings with each of you..

We become who we are together, each needing the other.  Alone is a myth. ~Gunilla Norris

I draw from the philosophies of Sue Johnson and Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy and The Gottman Institute. I believe that these two approaches combined target issues of attachment and bonding. Our prior significant relationships impact and determine our ability to have an emotionally safe and secure relationship in our adult lives.

Come prepared to be honest and transparent with me and your partner.